Mixed thoughts and what-not

1822H 09/08/08 (GMT +0800) ~START~

Hokay, stewing in potent hate for the better part of the oath-taking ceremony wasn't a sensible decision, if only because it drained me. Nonetheless, all the hatred I had & have are, at least, clearly pointed, meaning all the hatred I feel have concrete targets, which means that I can sublimate all that energy into productive stuff. [tilts head to the right in consideration] Of course, I could always indulge in a destructive rampage should the need arise, but cleaning up after such a blatant display of nihilistic rage would be too troublesome so I'll most likely avoid such a course of action. That's why there are PC games for the times when I need to vent. Should I have need to more than I can expend in a PC game, there are always used tires that I can hit with my sticks.

I'll start making the diagrams for Freedom & Destiny, my twinned spatha. I like the fact that the spatha is basically a blade with a handle means I don't have to know any of the fancy moves that require elaborate crossguards. Of course, I'd have to know of them so I can avoid or counter said moves.

I'm fixated on the PC game of Temple of Elemental Evil. I wasn't able to finish playing, nor was I even able to get to half of it, when the game was installed in the communal PC. After playing around with pen & paper/Notepad, I've decided to ditch my favored sorcerer/paladin build since it wouldn't have worked in a party. Besides, my charismatic side is pretty much based on my logic circuits. So, I ditched it in favor of a fighter/evoker (evokers are wizards specialized in evocation, who forego knowledge of two other schools of magic to gain the ability to cast one more evocation spell). Truth be told, the way my party in Temple of Elemental Evil is made up, I've two PCs (Player Character) that are personal avatars. Both are dual-wielders and both have ranged attacks (one uses magic while the other uses a bow). Come to think of it, that I've changed my preferred build may mean that I've somehow come to a turning point. Maybe I've come to accept the part of me that goes with my internal sense of Justice, instead of being bound to other's expectations of what's right & wrong, even if the expectation is detrimental to my growth. As of now, I'm waiting for the resources to become available, resources that will allow me to play said game.

Thanks to my brother, I was able to obtain songs of Smokey Mountain, a teen group created by Ryan Cayabyab back in the early to mid nineties. "Kahit habang buhay" is a sweet love song, albeit stupid. [smirks in amusement] Come on, unrequited love is such a painful, nigh-pointless gig that I wonder why some indulge in it. What do you get out of loving someone who doesn't love you back? If your love is not reciprocated, then it means your values are incongruous or incompatible with the one you love, which means something is bound to happen that will end the relationship, one that grew out of those differing values. I'll always be attracted to a junior of mine (who got her PT license ahead of me). She's hot because her curves are at the right places & at the right proportions, even if she's shorter than what I need. Her eyes speak of intelligence & a depth of person that I know I'll enjoy being with. Alas [strikes a theatrical pose of dismay], something just doesn't go "click" in her whenever I'm around, so I guess that means I'll have to content myself with being able to look at her, knowing that it won't go further than that. Eye-candy is eye-candy, no point in not looking at something pleasant, even if I can't possess said eye-candy.

I'm waiting for Macross Frontier to finish so the free fan subs can be acquired. I can't buy it since I don't have cash & buying it would be pointless, even if I did have cash, because I don't fully understand Nihonggo. I love "Lion" & "Northern Cross", gotta love those upbeat songs. There's also the second season of Gundam 00, which will feature some somewhat absurd Gundam designs [points at the Cherubim Gundam, "Why the hell are you on tip-toes?"] but I'll watch because of their eye-candy tactical forecaster & because I think Setsuna will keep on using a dual-wielding attack pattern, which will be educational.

I'm still having headaches, though they haven't reached a level 5 for at least a week now (10 being the most painful). I'm getting level 1s everyday, so I'm adapting to it. Kinda hate the possibility that my increased utility of my brain is the reason for the pain, but [shrugs], the options are win or die. Not thinking will lead to a pointless extinction, punctuating a useless existence.

Thunder's been audible & we've had a short shower earlier. If I'm lucky, it'll be raining when I dance outside, which will be in a few minutes. I love the rain & how it cools everything down, nourishing as it cascades from the heavens. Maybe that's the reason why I just adapt to the inconveniences caused by precipitation, instead of vehemently complaining about it. Knee-high rubber boots will be a priority acquisition come employment.