Everything and nothing

18:08 10/13/08(GMT +0800) ~START~

[exhales through the mouth & smirks] Up 'til now, every day at the Rehabilitation Department is like a stroll through a mine field. There are days when the mine field is from the Dark Ages and there are days when the mine field is right out of the Vietnam & Kosovo wars. It sucks that I've only got an empathy emulator instead of the real thing.

Hot dang. Add the fact that certain aspects of my life have escalated to critical levels & I've got a good amount of balls to juggle. [smirks in thought] Come to think of it, I'm a very bad juggler. I'm better at dancing, even if it's just a bit. I guess I'll treat each relevant aspect as a dance partner instead. I can keep a better track of stuff that way. Each part of the dance will require that I only give attention to a particular partner (i.e. aspect) but the whole of the dance will allow me to tend to every part, as time & resources permit. My Mentat Engine should be able to handle the strain. After all, nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Yes, I'm using vague terms to describe some parts of my life so as to avoid trouble.


I've always loved swings. The feeling of flight, even for a limited time, is something I enjoy. Spending time on a sturdy swing set is the BEST way to unwind for me. I can let the songs go through my head. I can "fly" through my concerns, knowing that even as reality constrains my efforts, my mind is competent enough to create solutions towards my goals.

I just spent time on a sturdy swing set. I flew. I remembered how it was to be me & how important it is that I keep on becoming the person I want to be. Sure, I'm afraid of heights. [smiles] But the fear just makes the experience of flight sweeter. The fact that my closest friends also enjoy spending time on swings is another thing that makes me smile.


[sighs] Well, I've been closing a lot of doors lately. I closed the door on H****. I closed the door on J*****.

Of course, just closing the door won't work so I'm making sure Freedom & Destiny keeps those doors closed. It might be futile & useless since I don't think either Lady would want to open the door, but I'd rather be safe.


The Samurai is still chugging along. Argh. My pride & joy isn't up to spec because I've been slacking off. Then again, repressing & sublimating all the rage I have takes a lot out of me, leaving me with precious little energy to refine my memory palace.

At any rate, my improvement program is proceeding, albeit at a slower pace. The rehabilitation department I'm in is letting me use some of the equipment, so I've been able to start the exercise regimen for my shoulders' internal & external rotators. I'm practicing with my recorder almost every night, playing "A time for us" & "Somewhere out there". I visit the Samurai almost every day, just to check stuff & put up structures.

While my life can certainly be better or worse at the moment, I can say that ... Well, I can say that my life is, that I'm living it the best way that I can, given the circumstances I'm in. Not many people my age can say that, I guess.

18:59 10/13/08(GMT +0800) ~END~