Rak en rol!

1432H 05/28/09 (HOTEL, GMT +0800)
 The First Rule is the First for a specific reason. That I've been violating it out of plain laziness is most deplorable. Of course, there's the fact that I need to take it easy at this particular phase of my operations [shrugs]. I've indulged at various stages to keep me suitably unstressed during pertinent times. Life, as I see it, requires actions based on rhythm. Of course [pouts in thought], actually acting in a rhythmic fashion is another thing altogether and requires consistent practice. I've had to suppress my natural exuberance. I've been successful in doing that, 80% of the time. There's my curiosity, which helps increase my knowledge base, which has to be used sparingly or selectively during classes. [shrugs] Not that it's a limitation that I find galling since I more often than not rely on reading materials. However, knowledge from people tend to differ slightly from those obtained from books. [sighs] Well, nothing worthwhile is ever easy anyhow [shrugs] so complaining only allows me to vent, which may not be productive since the negative energy can be sublimated. Continuing on that vein about aspects of my person, I also have to contain my latent competitiveness. Sure [smirks], I'm not that competitive but the extant requirements of my long-term goals means that I have to distinguish myself through exceptional performance. Most unfortunately, the First Rule comes into play. There are also the Fifth and Tenth Rules to consider as I interpret the actions and reactions around me [exhales in resignation]. 2223H 5/29/09 (HOTEL, GMT +0800) I flunked an exercise (the score of which will be known the next work day) because I was lazy and impatient. Yes, i was also over-confident. Yes, i was feeling invincible without just cause. It's only the second week as a trainee/employee of Network Solutions, so there are still opportunities, both for gain and loss. That I've been lazy has been a continual pain in the posterior. I FUBARd a plan today just because I was feeling lazy. Sure, I know that being industrious saves a lot of time, but I think that being conscientious while accessing my Mentat Engine as I do a task is better. "Minimal effort for maximum gain" is the process I prefer. [sighs] Well, I just have to focus on my goals so I don't fumble any more plans. Being focused eats up more of my mental resources but it's a choice between tiring myself out or being frustrated. Lazy me would've picked the frustration just because it's easier. Most unfortunately, the easier path also contains lesser goodies and lesser pleasures. On a lighter note, I've discovered the opening themes of Eureka Seven, an animé by BONES. Days by FLOW and Sakura by NIRGILIS are my faves, just like how Nana Mizuki's Innocent Starter and Massive Wonders got me hooked onto the Nanoha series. Sure, there's a pop feel to Sakura, though the beat is the thing that really snagged me. Methinks I have to learn how to quantify those BPMs so I can better relay my assessment of a song. Yeah, if the robot damashii of the Nirvash by Bandai is sufficiently large, I might purchase it. As of now, the collectibles on my list are the figma action figures of Signum and Miku Hatsune by Max Factory. I'll see if i can get my hands on Atelier-Sai's action figures of the Full Metal Panic girls. Yes, I'm on a girl collection binge that started with figma's Kanu Uncho that I've christened Kathryn. There are also the kits of the mecha I want (I've reconsidered getting the 1/100 MG Infinite Justice) but I'm hopeful that Bandai's bigwigs approve the remodeling of the 08TH MS team's mobile suits. I mean, how hard is it to remake the molds of the RX-78 version 2 into the RX-79G and RX-79 Ez8? They've already done a version 2 of the Gouf and it's just a matter of making small modifications to produce Norris Packard's custom Gouf. Are they lazy or are they milking the populace slowly? I almost forgot Konami's MMS. I want to get Siren Eukrante of the Busou Shinki line. Why? Because her hair's pink and her design reminds me of the Wing Zero Custom (Bandai, when will you re-make your MG kit of that MS? For that matter, when will you make MG kits of the Endless Waltz Gundams?). [shrugs] Well, I've yet to find a forum or board or e-mail address that will let me share my views to those of Bandai, so I'm making do with what I have. The list goes on. I'm getting me some non-black pens and some books, if i see some tomorrow. I'll be looking for a new place to lodge since the place I'm currently in has termites (it's a wooden house) and is a veritable oven during some times of the year (something that i had to endure last week). There's also the next Transformers movie to look forward to. ^_^ Talga Vassternich. What I do as reality unfolds becomes my Life. Oh yeah, if Anemone of Eureka Seven (along with Eureka) ever comes out as an action figure, I'll snap it up ASAP.



=~=~=~=Location: Inside the Samurai - Heavily modified Pellaeon-class Imperial Star Destroyer, currently traversing Infinity

~==~==~Dramatis Personae:

Bridge Crew:

Commanding Officer : My self
Executive Officer : Hannibal Lecter, MD
Weapons Officer : Teletha Testarossa
Launch Officer : Lisa Hayes
Tactics Officer : Lacus Clyne

CIC (Combat Information Center)

LO: [taps screens] There we have it. We're expecting definite supplies by mid-June and another, a probable, tomorrow.

CO: Lisa, you don't have to hide that frown. I know that my decision to put the Samurai on the edge, right between Life and Death is grating on your nerves.

TO: I'm of two minds here, Taichou. The Samurai's capabilities are beyond question and I can easily see that such a course of action isn't suicidal. However, we've need to consider the station supplying us and the ships that we're going to interact with.

XO: That we've just re-established a source of supply is a relief. That the source is tenuously connected, as are those that we've just contacted, is something to seriously consider.

AI: As of now, the tender ship Ciel's crew is of mixed opinions. Some of her people are awed and approving of the Samurai's capabilities. Of course there are some that are put-off by some of our crew's hyper-active personalities.

WO: [sighs] Anna, you do tend to unsettle others with your precocious and lively nature

CO: Well, there's joie de vivre for you. For an AI, she captures the essence of the character she's based on. [shrugs] Besides, the Samurai's crew loves her. That's the only thing worth considering.

XO: That you're adding more females to our crew leads to more people being enamored with Anna. [waves with his left hand to produce a hologram of diagrams and lists] We've got Nanoha Takamichi, Fate T. Harlaown and Yagami Hayate arriving the moment their posts and responsibilities are finalized. [smiles in gentle praise while reaching down to carry ANNA] You're a cute devilishly endearing munchkin, are you not?

AI: [smiles back] And that's why you love me, right, Uncle?

CO: [smiles] That she totally loves you for who you are just makes you warm, doesn't it? [settles into my chair and gazes out with steel and resolution] If the Ciel's crew doesn't like Anna then they don't. We do have to cooperate with the Ciel so we'll keep Anna away from them. It would limit our exposure but the possibility of surprising others to gain the upper hand during critical moments has risen exponentially.

LO: And are we going to do as you plan with our resources, Captain [raises an eyebrow with disapproval shining from her brown eyes]?

CO: Yes, we will [waits for Ms. Hayes' eyes to glare in annoyance]. [smirks teasingly] But since you've objected to it since I've voiced it, I'll modify it to accommodate your proposed fail-safe programs.

WO: [smiles in reproval] You shouldn't tease her so, Taichou. Her concern for the Samurai is well-placed. At any rate, we're still considering the addition of the Fairlions and their pilots, Sheryl Nome, Ranka Lee and Latooni Subota. I've uninstalled MAGENTA from the Strike Rouge's frame and moved her into a portable interface so we can easily transfer the OS from one mobile suit to another.

CO: Then, it's settled. We're good to go. [pats Anna's left hand that she placed on my right shoulder] We'll keep you hidden, little angel. Doctor Lecter, please continue to assist Ms. Hayes with the Ciel and the second tender ship until we sortie. Tessa, continue drilling our troops and pass on recommendations for those who'd be great additions to the Samurai's roster. Lacus, coordinate with Tessa and produce the battle plans that we'll be needing.