Black or white without shades of gray

   I have always thought of life as a dance. You choose your music, you figure out the steps, practice the steps and them change the steps if necessary. 

   With that analogy, relationships are also a dance. You and your partner choose a song for the two of you and both of you dance to it. Sometimes...

   [shrugs] Sometimes, you are the only one that dances because your chosen partner just cannot commit.

   A dance takes commitment towards a goal; a dancing pair requires that shared vision. Dancing is poetry in motion. Paired dancers take the dance and music and give it another dimension as their shared passion and commitment add layers to the dance as it happens.

   A pair of dancers where one does not and cannot commit to dance with the other produces a disjointed horrible travesty.

   Here and now, I am tired of dancing while my partner waffles.

   She has fifteen days. Just like before.

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