I wanna be like Constantine

 Due to being a relatively old building, our leased offices had some earth-bound spirits. We had a priest come over to put them to rest and that was supposed to be the end of it.

 As the priest recommended that salt and candles be brought and used, I bought some as commanded by the boss. Getting the items blessed is another story, though.

 After packing those sanctified items and taking them to work, I set aside six pieces for the office I was in. Putting the six in relevant positions was challenging as I had no skills in geomancy so I made do. As it was a Sunday, I couldn't really go to the other office and put all the candles hither and tither.

 Since delaying wasn't something I liked doing, I went to the other office and deployed one of the salt and candle units I made. One of the staff asked if I can scatter salt at the usual haunts of the earth-bound spirits. Shrugging, I went and retrieved the jar of salt. I went to the haunts, sprinkled salt along the way, urging the spirits to move on and rest instead of pulling pranks.

 Finished with the task, I returned and sat back to work.

 Thirty minutes later, the staff at the other office were knocking at the door. Distressed and obviously scared, one of them started crying after they sat down and told their experience. One of the earth-bound spirits made its displeasure known by passing by and letting its reflection be seen on a mirror. The spirit's movement was felt by the other, causing goosebumps while the one who actually sees the spirit was greeted by a menacing scowl.

 Drawing from my training as a sacristan and my Catholic faith, I went back, salt container in hand. I went to the haunts, praying as I sprinkled salt. I asked the one who can see if the spirit has left. Nope, no good. I took my staff with me and we tried praying, the two of us. I asked the one who sees if the spirit was still there. No change. Okay, maybe more people?

 So I had the Catholics in the staff pray with me. Four of us weren't enough, it seemed. The one who sees slumped as we prayed. After finishing, the one who sees was immobilized and had to be carried out by my staff and I. Kneeling at that person's side, I asked my staff to get some water, whereupon the person went limp. Returning with the requested water, I asked my staff if the person I was holding up was really unconscious. After getting the affirmative, we waited for the person to wake. After startling us with coughs and dry retching, the one that sees relayed that the spirit tried possession, thus causing the immobilized feeling.

 Deciding that the spirit won't be leaving anytime soon, I had the other office's staff gather their effects and transfer to our office for the interim.
 From all of that, I guess I have to be an ordained priest to actually be able to exorcise spirits. That or be like John Constantine. Still, it was one of those things that happen to me just because I'm me [shrugs].


A heihosha ponders and decides

 There is no guarantee. There is no certainty. Whenever a samurai swings his weapon, there is no guarantee that it will hit. If it hits, there is no guarantee that it will do as expected. If the target falls, there is no guarantee that the next target will fall as the previous one.

 Talga Vassternich. Deserve victory. The 8th Rule. Each choice, each action must be made to ensure that you stay true to your goal. Your goals are achievements to be earned, not food handed on a silver platter.

 Despite the lack of guarantees, you must choose and act. Even choosing not to choose is a choice, a doomed choice, more often than not.

 Choose to live and dare to dream and act on the conviction that your actions will bring you closer to your dream being realized.

 Choose to be brave and look for the solution and act to create the solution to your problem.

 Life has no guarantees, no certainties. Still, the promise of victory can only be fulfilled if you act to make it happen. Inaction births regret. Action can bring forth either failure or victory.

 Determination. Knowledge. Action.

 Sing, Freedom.

 Dance, Destiny.

Poker face

The others would wonder if I had any plans. From an outsider's POV, my actions are a string of rash decisions without a definite goal.

 Sure, the path is meandering. Sure, I've already made 31 trips around the sun. Sure, I haven't made any substantial savings or investments.

 Nonetheless. Even so.

 I chose this path. This path is mine. While some choices were made out of habit, I acted to maximize the effects of each choice.

  I'm guessing this is one of those affirmation speeches I give to myself once in a while. [shrugs]

  Never ever reveal your entire hand. Show a card, show another, build it up to win. Please note, this approach is NOT applicable when it comes to dealing with and interacting with your partner.