A heihosha ponders and decides

 There is no guarantee. There is no certainty. Whenever a samurai swings his weapon, there is no guarantee that it will hit. If it hits, there is no guarantee that it will do as expected. If the target falls, there is no guarantee that the next target will fall as the previous one.

 Talga Vassternich. Deserve victory. The 8th Rule. Each choice, each action must be made to ensure that you stay true to your goal. Your goals are achievements to be earned, not food handed on a silver platter.

 Despite the lack of guarantees, you must choose and act. Even choosing not to choose is a choice, a doomed choice, more often than not.

 Choose to live and dare to dream and act on the conviction that your actions will bring you closer to your dream being realized.

 Choose to be brave and look for the solution and act to create the solution to your problem.

 Life has no guarantees, no certainties. Still, the promise of victory can only be fulfilled if you act to make it happen. Inaction births regret. Action can bring forth either failure or victory.

 Determination. Knowledge. Action.

 Sing, Freedom.

 Dance, Destiny.

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