
Not that it's a bad thing, but, my role in the relationship almost always forces me to suck it up and shut up when it comes to my emotions. Granted, most of those emotions were things that came and went. Granted, my upbringing and self-training allows me to blank myself out and create an emotional void that absorbs negativity with no consequence.

But. What of the emotions that whispered of suspicions and fears? Granted, the observations were one-sided and would be unable to tell the entire story. Still, those observations were unfiltered and unbiased and compared to a baseline. While not exactly valid based on methodology, the observations are just that, observations. Interpretation happened after documentation, to keep the data as pristine as possible.

Mayhap I'm defending myself. Mayhap I'm looking for an excuse for the discrepancies.


Maybe Vergere's words are the only truth in an existence permeated by lies.

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