The FIRST dream I ever loved having

Last night, I had the first SPECTACULAR dream of my life. Ignore the fact that the dream's ending was bittersweet, it was my -FIRST- DREAM that wasn't scary.


The dream started with a me in a different Earth (think parallel Earths or alternate universes) living inside a monastery as one of the support staff. I had enough authority to do what I wish although I was still answerable to the Abbot, who was oftentimes crabby. The monastery, located atop high hills, was also an orphanage and half-way house for the community it served. During one of my walk around the said community, I came upon a dazed naked young woman. She wasn't from the community, since I knew the inhabitants by face, if not by name. I wrapped her in my cloak and carried her back to the monastery.

There, I nursed her back to health, despite the Abbot's complaints and damnations. He really couldn't do a thing about me since I supervised three-fourths of the monastery's support activities. Booting me out would mean at least a month wherein the monastery would run in a very inefficient manner (think dirty and starving). After two weeks of nursing, she gained enough strength to lucidly explain her circumstances. She related that she, for all intents and purposes, is a celestial being stripped of all her cosmic powers by circumstances beyond her control. She was greatly shocked by the transition to humanity that I came upon her in a naked and dazed state.

It was unbelievable but seeing no other recourse except to humor her to prevent a probable relapse, I slowly integrated her into my activities as the monastery's primary support staff. She was naturally calm and friendly, which endeared her to the orphans. I was responsible for her, so falling for her was a troublesome process. It didn't help that she also came to love me for what I am. Coldly efficient and ruthless, I performed my tasks to serve the community by taking care of the orphans and the others who had no place to stay at the moment. She somehow saw that I cared deeply. She saw that my smiles towards the people I helped were the most I could give. 

Calendars marked that 7 months have passed since she became a part of the monastery and 5 months since she became my heart's half. We welcomed orphans. We gave lonely deserving couples the children their hearts longed for. Then, I came upon a strange child during one of my walks (fascinating how I find objects of interest during my walks [shakes head in amusement]) and took him back to the monastery. Days of asking the community if they lost a child yielded no leads about the child's identity so the orphans welcomed another into their fold. 

My love and I were strongly considering marriage during one of our walks around the monastery when the mystery child walked up to us with determined steps. His demeanor was different, more commanding than his usual. The child then related to us that my love's exile will come to an end tomorrow. We were shocked and cried in each other's arms through the night. The monastery wall where we ended up sitting the whole night suddenly collapsed, forcing my love to use her now-returned celestial powers to save us by phasing us (think of Kitty Pryde's/Shadowcat's ability) through a support column. That was how our love ended, with me embracing the column where she decided to spend her last moments with me before she ascended. Words of endearment, loving silences and bitter tears were exchanged before she flew beyond my reach.

The dawn was bittersweet. I have found my love and she has found me. Our individual destinies allowed us a brief time together, no more, because our destinies lay along separate paths. I watched the sun bless the community I served with tears in my eyes as my dream ended. 


I find it fascinating that my dream alternated from the first person to the third person as it saw fit [shrugs]. Nonetheless, it was the first dream that I greatly appreciated having upon waking up. I desperately hope that it wasn't prophetic in any way because it would suck very much to have the same fate as the me in my dream.

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