Thoughts, introspective and otherwise

 1932H 2/27/2008 (Lima, GMT + 0800)
[tilts head to the left & frowns in thought] Before we slept last Saturday, my sister (& by consequence, I) wondered what particular characteristic of mine made my ex-girlfriends act as if "the sky is falling" when I decided to dissolve the relationship I've had with them.

My 1st ex baited me back with sex and perverted me didn't have what it takes to resist her first (successful) attempt [shudders in self-disgust]. Thank the spirits that I've developed the moral fortitude to stick with my decision to part ways with her so I could stop being an amoral pervert.

My 2nd & current ex used a flood of SMS & calls of varying content. The most disagreeable of her SMS & calls intended to induce guilt. The first was a reminder that she was a nurse intern rotated to the Emergency & Operating Rooms, thus making her responsible for lives. With that in mind, she asked how could I even think of making the depressing decision to break up with her that will affect her performance. The last SMS that I've had to stomach spoke of how my decision to break up with her caused her health to deteriorate and asked how could I endure the knowledge that I'm inflicting emotional pain on her.

[pouts lips and strokes chin with right thumb & index finger] My sister & I agree that my physical appearance doesn't even approach "fetching". Out of all my qualities, my compassion & kindness are most probably the qualities that (according to our assessment) caught the aforementioned women's hearts. Even then, experience & (fictional & otherwise) literature do not describe compassion & kindness as the traits that win a woman's heart. [shrugs] Go figure.

 ~~~ I'm reviewing some songs by Earth Wind & Fire that I've retrieved from a disc. Some of their songs mellow me. On a similar vein, Toto has a nice repertoire of songs. Tis a crappy thing that I can't go to their upcoming concert here.

 ~~~ I've just recovered from a mild bout of flu. I'm thankful that my immune system was able to quickly subdue whatever it was that I was having.

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