Another shot of whimsy

Yes, I'm having a sort of a cam-whore season. But since I'm not photogenic, I took pictures of my kids.

That one has Galahad (the RX-78 v1.5), the Strike Freedom, Sousuke (Zaku v2.0), Master Asia's Gundam and Kathryn (figma Kanu Uncho) inside the display cabinet.

This one has one of my Rockman units (the better ones that Bandai made for a short while), Alexiel (Revoltech Saber) and the 00 Gundam.

The following are shots of MAGENTA in a standard mobile suit.

Storm's aftermath


The fist of the Heavens struck down our country's National Capital Region, perhaps for no reason besides bad luck.

 Truly, men and women of every age and status lost something or someone they treasured the past three days. Some stand to lose time as they struggle to remake what was undone. Mementos, persons most precious and achievements were drowned, some to be recovered while others were lost to the deluge.

 After some thought, I wondered: "Perhaps, during all the sadness that the tempest has caused, my enemies have been similarly struck by misfortune..." While the thought gives me some comfort, the harm inflicted by Nature had nothing to do with me. Sure, schadenfreude comes into the show but it just doesn't make me satisfied. Though a perverse happiness for others' misfortune is a human trait (not that it applies to those who lost people; at least, it doesn't apply to me), I just can't make myself feel happy for the misfortune they suffered (if my enemies were hit by Ondoy). What would have made me happy was vengeance that I've delivered. The destruction wrought by Ondoy lacked finesse and involved a lot of innocents (innocent in the sense that they've done me no wrong).

 As it is, I'm most thankful that what I own hasn't been destroyed. After running some simulations, I've figured that the room I've rented wouldn't have been reached by the floods; which simply means that the speculation that the reason I've failed was so that I'd be out of danger doesn't hold water.

 Our family's ... I guess the closest term would be "serf" even if they don't owe us anything except gratitude and goodwill. Anyhow, our family's serfs suffered flooded homes and one's tricycle was submerged. Our parents have decided to route whatever help we'd have given to what was ours, since his livelihood's rise was one that we supported and praised.

 As it stands, I still have to find and establish my means. At the least, our House hasn't suffered from the storm's wrath. For that, I am most thankful to my Liege.

 Since I can't find a place to chuck this in, I'm putting this picture of my bookshelf/display cabinet here.


 It's sad that I'm letting some of my skills stagnate because of circumstances.

 At any rate, here are pictures of some of the dangling earrings I've made. Maybe seeing them will fan the dying flames of inspiration, yes?

 For those who care to ask, that model kit of a mobile suit is a modified amalgam of the 1/100 Bandai Master Grade Strike Rouge and Freedom Gundam. I'm going to paint it with an apt pink color scheme when I get the necessary skills and painting materials.


 There are some things that just get under my skin. Yes, I'm using the phrase in a negative manner.

 One of them, the one that just sticks, is the aggravating unprofessional actions against me. That I've had the bad luck to have had such co-workers and superiors galls me to no end. It's a given that genetics makes everybody different, that a person will have a different gift from another. What's so hard to accept about that? I'm physically unattractive, so I was lucky enough to get some brains. Look at it again, children of Envy, I wrote "SOME". It means that I'm lacking in certain aspects, things that you won't notice because the only thing that held your attention is that I have something you don't and I must be punished for that. It matters little if your acts were born out of the pathetic resemblance you have of humanity. What matters is the result, and it resulted in my means to achieve my goals being broken. Those means were hard-won. Regaining them, if at all possible, will require the same effort, the same circumstances and the same amount of blood and tears. Were it possible, I would destroy you and yours for payment. Were it possible, I would send you to Hell, cursing your thrice-damned self for harming me without just cause.

 "Strength without hatred" is an ideal. It is an ideal that supports Justice, for Justice laced with Hatred emits a noxious aura, coating the gained Justice with the most nauseating aroma. That such strength can become real, makes it an ideal worth aiming for. At this point of my life, reaching that ideal isn't possible. There's too much of me that was broken and tossed aside as trash by apathetic hominids intent only in causing pain. I was powerless to fend off such harm, yet I had what was needed to survive such malice. Was I lucky to have such? Yes. Yet, the question comes forth. If I had what I needed to survive, why are my tools for righteous vengeance denied me? After reflection, that they are held out of my reach is reasonable, else true vengeance would be a farce because the tools of righteous punishment must be earned.

 The question comes forth: What makes me, with my hunger for vengeance, different from those that have harmed me? Perhaps the fact that I was minding my own dreams when I was ambushed by their malice? Perhaps the fact that I was the one they victimized? Perhaps the fact that I did nothing against them and theirs, that I said nothing against them and theirs, yet I received unjustified harm from them? Perhaps the fact that were it not for their malice, my goals would have been several steps closer to fruition.

 To answer the question, of what makes me different from them, I was the one attacked and my response, my vengeance, to their aggression will depend on the circumstances presented to me.

 I will earn the means for my vengeance, even if that is only to look down upon them from the lofty post I will reach. Will I still yearn to ground them into dust? Perhaps I will, if only to prevent them from acting maliciously and from spawning more of their twisted ilk.

 This I swear: "Vengeance without mercy!"