Over before it really started

=~=~=~=Location: Inside the Samurai - Heavily modified Pellaeon-class Imperial Star Destroyer, currently traversing Infinity

~==~==~Dramatis Personae:

Bridge Crew:
Commanding Officer : My self

Executive Officer : Hannibal Lecter, MD

Weapons Officer : Teletha Testarossa

Launch Officer : Lisa Hayes
Tactics Officer : Lacus Clyne

Intra-ship AI : ANNA

CIC (Combat Information Center)

CO: Plans, anyone?

AI: Well, Nii-chan, that blank scroll you've handed may or may not provoke any replies.

LO: [frowns] If I received that, I'd give you a good talking to.

XO: That, Ms. Hayes, is because you're confrontational when it comes to such scenarios, is it not?

WO: With the little we know of Thyferra, we've precious little to use [sighs as she plays with her ponytail while she looks at her screens]. So, provoking a response using non-violent means is one of the very few methods we've open to us.

TO: Too bad we can't send any of our mecha squads.

CO: Were it a simple SaD mission, I'd have sent Lt Do'urden on his Dawnbringer with the squad mounting IWSPs [sighs and cups chin with left hand]. Or maybe a mix of Blast and Sword Silhoutte packs.

AI: But the most you can do is send probes and survey teams, which annoys you to hell, doesn't it? You're itching to use your usual forceful methods. [smiles] And we all know how that turns out, don't we, jii-chan [peers up to the XO]?

XO: [smiles]

TO: Add the fact that the MENTAT Engine's prognostications demanded more data if it were to provide usable projections.

WO: Which only means we're at an impassé.

LO: Which means we wait.

~~~Time Passes

TO: This just in. Thyferra raised shields and demanded that the Samurai change her current course.

AI: Just when I was starting to like its weather and beaches [makes a sad face].

XO: [sighs and picks up ANNA's solido-hologram to cradle her in his arms] It could have been worse, Captain.

CO: [sighs] True, that. At the moment, we will comply with the planetary government's wishes. We've much to lose if we were to push. The Samurai's resources will be jeopardized if Thyferra decides to take offense.

LO: Aside from pulling our troops out [taps keys to issue orders to the various squads] ...

TO: And changing course [taps images on star map holograms] ...

WO: And giving the impression that we're powering down [glances over power systems and initiates stealth subroutines with her left hand] ...

XO: [puts down ANNA] What are your other orders, Captain?

AI: [places her left hand on the CO's right hand resting on the chair's armrest]

CO: Thanks, ANNA. [takes a deep breath] To mundane tasks, first. We've need to define and streamline our usage of incoming resources over the next few months. Doctor, please see to the software upgrades. Tessa, schedule dry-dock time and required equipment. Ms. Hayes, see to the mechas, hangars and logistics.

AI: [moves from the chair's side to sit cross-legged at the CO's right foot]

CO: Lacus, coordinate with our good doctor to develop effective tactics. Everybody, chip in for strategy when able.

LO: The fact that you've yet to decide on which Veritech we'll use means that training is hampered. Of course, [smirks] whatever the case, Flight Officer Koiso won't let up with the "I don't like pink" memos to the bridge.

AI: She gives out all those pink hearts whenever she's with Doctor Kitano so why does she complain [peers up to the CO]?

CO: [shrugs] Beats me. Yes, Tessa?

WO: We have to pass-by the dry-dock and get their list. Then all three of us have to pound on you every time it's time to go.

CO: [smirks sheepishly] Got that.

AI: Lazy nii-chan [smiles]. I'll add some cuteness to the mix, maybe that'll help?

LO: [snorts] You wish.

TO: Well, at least the blank scroll provoked a response [taps system icons].

XO: And we were lucky enough that it was just shields and a demand for a course change.

WO: Were it war-shot, the Samurai would have been severely damaged since our orbit exposed the ship's belly [shakes head].

AI: [puts her head against the CO's right knee] Will you permanently stop the operation on Thyferra?

CO: Time will tell. However [taps the console at his left armrest], a short run of the MENTAT Engine indicated that Thyferra is unlikely to change its stance. The Samurai only has to hold its course ...

XO: AND stay incognito [glares at the Captain].

AI: Specially that, nii-chan.

WO: I'll create subroutines that'll ring alarms in the Samurai whenever it starts activities that will disengage its stealth and camouflage systems [taps keys with her left hand as she plays with her braid with her right].

TO: Taichou, you'll have to do the strategic lay-outs ASAP. Doctor Lecter and I would end up wasting energy if we don't have a basis for the tactics you require.

CO: [squints in thought] That, too. The good thing about Operation Thyferra going belly-up is that I'll have the time for these. Of course, the stealth systems and associated subroutines will use up some energy BUT the fact we use a lot of silent running systems will attenuate the energy loss.

XO: Before we forget, you've yet to decide on the suit that will hold MAGENTA. The sooner you have it done, along with the decision on what Veritech to use; the better for the ship.

AI: You might as well ask for snow-fall at the Gobi, jii-chan. [smiles] He'll get to it, when he has it ready.

LO: If anything, if it can be created or made to happen, our Captain does it [gives one of her rare smiles]. If he didn't, I'd have left long ago.

CO: And where would the Samurai be without your cheer and good-will, eh, Ms. Hayes [smiles teasingly]? At any rate; standing orders for Thyferra are stealth and basic diplomacy in response to the improbable unlikely hail. Intership communication will proceed and be handled as before. There's still the aftermath to watch out for so keep everyone that's on duty on Yellow Alert.

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