

 "Life goes on" is quoted, more often than not, to state the obvious about organic and inorganic systems.

 Yes, a lot happens to the involved, lazy, self-contained and what-have-you. A person, if possessed of certain knowledge, could argue that Time is merely an illusion imposed upon Life to give a sense of progress. However, no one can deny that if the sun sets, it will also rise. [tilts head to the right in thought] That is, if the sun doesn't nova during the night then the sun will rise. Anyway, I digress.

 I've been living by myself for at least 8 months, the first month spent as a poor vagabond imposing upon close friends. Ever since, a healthy diet hasn't been possible. Yes, imprisonment (most prisons anyway) provides reasonably healthy rations minus freedom of choice. Up til now, I don't have a steady supply of greens; no veggies (I prefer bitter gourd. That's another story), no root crops classified as vegetables, nada. I made do with fruit shakes (actual fruit shredded and mixed with milk and sugar) and coconut juice. Add the Vit B complex and Vit C supplements and I considered myself reasonably fortified against disease.

 So, living alone has its benefits; I have freedom of movement constrained only by time and money. I can buy the knick-knacks that I want if I have the money for it. I can do as I please, within the dictates of logic, even bash the mind-wiped horde of Stephanie Meyer groupies [smiles]. The fact that my little sister has started bashing the book and its elements (she called Bella a vacillating lusty tarty strumpet) after approximately 18 months of excitedly relating the characters' stories makes me proudly smile. After all, I was the one who got her hooked on Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series and she's still hooked [rubs right hand's knuckles on shirt in pride].

 With all those benefits, I don't have greens. Why, you ask, do I mention the greens? Well, a few days ago, I touched base with a lady friend. We went: How's this, how's that and did all the stuff that INTJs are notoriously weak at. We somehow segued to my diet. She asked if I had cooking implements, I said I've none. She asked because she wanted to recommend stir-fried chinese cabbage seasoned with garlic; a recommendation likely because it's currently her veggie dish of choice. I told her that I've had no veggies for the last 8 months and subsisted on the fruit shakes and coconut juice. As she had to sleep, we bid adieu.

 Life goes on because even if we've traveled our own paths, experienced the subtleties that make our lives uniquely ours, everything else around us continues in its path. That she or I experienced events that caused our personal growth to stop didn't mean that our surroundings were frozen at those events. Organic and inorganic systems experienced growth and entropy as per their nature while time stopped, stops and will stop for each human as applicable.

 Tugging the strings together; bonds, true bonds that separate friends from acquaintances, thrive as life goes on. Yes, such bonds can be seen in different ways, such as the mundane query on nutrition. Those bonds survive upheavals, changes and the circadian cycle. Some require constant attention, some can be tended with an infrequent touch. This entry of mine celebrates the beauty of that experience. That I was lucky to have had such makes me grateful [smiles].

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