Neko thoughts

About five days ago, I saw a little kitten on the concrete island, right between 3 lanes of traffic. It was around midnight so there were few vehicles; one passes by every 7 minutes. The kitten, from the little that I know about cat anatomy, is perhaps no more than a month old. While it was already reasonably mobile, it wouldn't have enough speed to run across the lane to its left much less reach the middle of the 2 lanes to its right.

Sentiment and concern told me to pick up the little feline and adopt it. The markings were average and her mask was pleasant to look at. I'd have had to do some checks to confirm the kitten wasn't infested with internal parasites or perhaps consult with a veterinarian at the most. Besides that, it would be nice to have a fellow feline to keep me company; me being more feline than canine. 

Common sense told me that I don't have the financial security to even start taking care of anyone beside myself. I'd have to strictly regulate my circadian rhythm so the kitten can eat on time. I'll have to secure most of my equipment as cats are territorial (i.e. they mark stuff they consider theirs, stuff being everything they can reach). The room I'm renting doesn't have a way that would freely let a cat move in or out of it. While I could provide a scratching post (as there's a lot of places where I can get driftwood or scrap wood), that's the most that I can do for the kitten.

I do hope the little kitten is fine. I did walk to the same place the day after and I didn't see any little-kitty-shaped street pizza. Of course, it doesn't mean it wasn't run over but I do pray that the little kitten is safe and has been adopted by now.

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