The taste of cold steel

2005H 11/19/08 (GMT +0800H)

I'm thoroughly incensed that people continue to judge me out of ignorance. They know nothing of me, yet they think they've the unquestionable right to pass judgment over my person. They only know the LITTLE that they've seen or heard of me, yet they consider that data as EVERYTHING they'd need to judge me.

Pray tell, children of Adam & Eve, from who or where did you get the thought, the ludicrous, inane thought, that -YOU- have the RIGHT to pass judgment over me and mine? You claim offense at the acts I do, not knowing anything of the rationale behind my person, when it is the logic behind my actions that would give sense to me and mine. You insist that I act according to your rules, rules where I'm forced to submit to your incompetence, when those same rules are based on flimsy wishes that will collapse under the onslaught of Truth.

I am ruled by morality. When I'm proven wrong, I submit to the consequences of my mistake.

Why, pray tell, do hominids around me strut and pontificate as if they're above what's right and wrong?

Why, pray tell, do these same hominids enforce their standards on me when they themselves do not measure up to what's moral?

It would've been a tad acceptable if those idiots were amoral. As it is, they consider their immoral perspective and judgment as law, enforce this perverse & unjust law upon me while they consider themselves above it all AND think that this perversity, this double standard, is the natural order.

They wish for natural order? They would do well to think of what Gaia considers natural.

[glares in hostility] Be warned, then, those who continue to wrong me. Should you fail to fully enforce your perverse double standard, I will extract the price of your transgressions. If you succeed, pray that the Kindly Ones don't get you too soon. Either way, you're doomed. Evil does not go unpunished, specially your brand of perverse despicable evil.

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