Mixed bag of goodies

2005H 12/03/08 (GMT +0800H)
Well [blinks], status quo and all that hoop-la do not merit a blog entry.
 I'm irritated with a senior tenured colleague of mine because said colleague is a SLACKER! What do I have against slackers? Slackers pretend to work while they pass off some of their professional duties, duties they dislike, to others. Said slacker passed a responsibility to me EVEN if I was nearly incapacitated with hunger. How did it go? Like this: I had my first patient yesterday at around 1300H, prior to my lunch. While I was giving the first modalities to that patient, my regular Tuesday patient arrived (the one who gave the Batmobile). His arrival meant that by the time I finished with my first patient, he'd be done with his round with our department's Occupational Therapist, which meant I'd be treating him immediately after without eating my lunch. I didn't mind having to treat my regular patient right after my first patient of the day since my morning meal could provide me energy equal to a brunch. So, sans lunch, I treated my regular patient until 1700H. We were delayed because we had to wait for some equipment to be available. During our treatment session, I noticed that a patient (one that I administered the initial treatment to) was waiting for someone to treat him even if the slacker was available/without patients to treat. I noticed that patient approximately 20 minutes before I finished my gig with my regular patient. Guess what? He was still waiting for a PT to treat him when I finished. Now, what did the slacker do? Said slacker uttered: "Sir, I'll be putting the hot-packs and TENS on him while you finish picking up. He's yours after I put the stuff on him." [raises brows and makes an incredulous face] Tarnations! YOU -KNEW- I haven't had lunch yet. YOU hold your lunch period sacred. You were doing SQUAT and you passed the patient to -ME-? What does your action tell me about you, huh? Where's your professionalism? I, PERSONALLY, dislike treating a particular patient because of the tedious and unwieldy nature of said patient's treatment protocol BUT I still treat that patient in a professional manner, in a manner wherein I give my best. Why do I give my best to my patients, regardless of my prejudices? I give my best because I swore an OATH. You also have a license to practice as a PT in the Philippines. Makes me wonder what that license and the oath that comes with it mean to you.
 Last Friday, romantic opportunities presented themselves. The first opportunity I really don't want to put much stock in, since the probable graduated from a college whose graduates I distrust in romantic situations. The last opportunity was a tad iffy, since I wasn't able to find out if the probable was still single. [shrugs] What the heck, it doesn't really matter since I'll be leaving within two years. Starting a romantic relationship with the Lady of my dreams within those two years would be most risky. I stand to lose much AND if things end badly, I'll end up hurting another woman's feelings. I don't like hurting (relative) innocents, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Job opportunities are being analyzed. Finances are being projected. God, Fates & Luck willing, I'll be on my way to my desired state of affairs in 3 months time at the average (a month at the least if Luck smiles brightly on me).

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