Letting the flower lie



And with this, the end is set; what we had you'll soon forget.
I serve as I had before; as one that's yours, nevermore.
As we stand, so it ends; not as foes, nor as friends.

 As of the moment, the silence I'm getting underscores the assessment that I really was just used by Rose.

 It was already a blow to me that she just put the phone down while I was venting. What? She was the only one who had the right to vent on the other party in a relationship? That woke me up from my stupor of stupidity and lack of spine.

 So I sent that poem the moment I woke.

 And Rose's lack of reaction to it screams that losing a tool like me is like losing a pencil when you own a well-stocked school-supplies shop.

 Yes, recovering from these blows to my fragile self-esteem will take a lot of work. It's my fault that I let things get out of hand with Rose, so there's no point in beating myself up about it. I just have to keep at re-building what was broken.

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