Veni, vidi, vici



   I guess having the last word on something is very important for some people.

   Today, Rose resumed contact for an hour. At the end of it, she said she's done. That she's breaking things off.

   [blinks in thought] What the?

   [shrugs] Well, if it makes her feel better, there's no harm in letting her have the last word. It changes nothing inside me. It doesn't change the fact that we're isles apart in so many ways. It doesn't change the fact that what we had couldn't have worked.

   Oh, yeah. Our internal chat network lets us block other people while still letting us see their status messages. Rose's status message last Thursday was "What goes around, comes back around." The suppressed grammar Nazi in me was raring to have at it. After an hour, I changed my status message to "They call those things 'boomerangs' in Australia." Rose changed hers to "WHATEVER!!!!!" [laughs] Trolling, SUCCESSFUL!

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