Turning points and foci

I've done some counting and it'll take a fair bit of juggling if I wish to complete my goals by year's end. Of course, there's the usual problem with logistics, but I guess that's part of Life whichever way you productively live it.

Being who I am means that I'll have to contend with a lot of things while keeping a good amount of things secret from those who will misjudge me out of ignorance. Given that I can eventually reveal said secrets when the time is right, the fact that integral parts of my person have to be hidden grates against something fundamental I'm having trouble identifying. Perhaps it's annoying me because I'm naturally proud of what I am, because even my negative aspects (that of my upbringing and character) serve my goals and purposes. That others cannot appreciate those parts because they refuse to see those aspects' relevance.

I've goals. I'll achieve those goals because I know those goals are moral and even if they're primarily selfish goals, those goals will serve others just as well. I will be a practicing knowledgeable effective Physical Therapist because being less than that is an unacceptable embarrassment.

There are steps to be made, decisions to be carved into stone and a dream to turn into reality. There's much to be done, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy so I'm going to use every resource at my disposal.

I wield Freedom & Destiny.

The Samurai takes no prisoners. It fights to uphold and defend what I consider mine and right.

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