Thermal and other stuff



This work-place I'm currently in is COLD! I'm going to need my jacket if I'm going to pass Accent training. The cold clogs up my nostrils, which means my pronunciation goes out the window the moment I stop breathing normally. Ergo, JACKET!!! I -NEED- my jacket.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm currently in a career path that has me working as a call-center agent AND as a volunteer licensed Physical Therapist. Is the chosen path likely to be hard? Hell, yeah. Are the projected gains worth it? I think so, but only time will validate my analysis.

I kinda hit a stumbling block with my salary since I'm hit by the so-called "cut-off". It simply means that I'll be getting only a fourth during the first pay-day and I'll get the remaining three-fourths come next pay-day. Also, the signing bonus I'll get is taxable, which means that the total amount I can receive will be reduced. Reduced by how much? I'm told a fifth will be bitten off by Internal Revenue. [shakes head in annoyance]

Well, four-fifths is better than none, so I might as well reconfigure my finances accordingly. I'm getting the hang of spending only for the necessities, but I have to regulate what stimuli lil ole me receives if I'm to expect reasonable progress.

So, I'm nursing a clogged nose. I'm also going to retrieve my jacket. I have to process stuff so Internal Revenue can bite me every pay-day, which is a requirement for continued employment. All in all, I'd still pick this lot for the one I left, because this is a state wherein I'm in charge of where I'm going. It sucks that this situation is totally make or break, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy anyway [shrugs].

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