Progression, plans from new information and trends to follow

Knowledge is power.

Information is ammunition (or energy packs/cells, capacitors and powerplants if you're using energy-based weaponry).

That said, I've been able to gain useful information about the probable courses or paths to promotion that are open to me.

The most important thing about the promotion gig is the projected timeslot or timetable. Will I still be able to perform volunteer work at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department that I'm attached to should I get promoted to the spot that I'm aiming for? So far, the information that I'm getting explicitly states that the Team Lead & Operation Support positions come with SHIFTING schedules that change every week. Initially, that's a big obstacle, since if the schedule shifts every week, the only constant will be my days off and the time I can spend doing 4 hour shifts in the hospital will be highly debatable and theoretical. How can I progress my career as a Physical Therapist if I don't get to do at least 24 hours a week of volunteer work in a Rehab department?

So, the only plausible option is to look at the other departments in the place that I'm working in. I could also try to negotiate for a range of acceptable schedules that they can impose on me, which will allow me to do those projected 4 hour shifts. Of course, I could also look for another place to work for but I'm kinda content with the locale and the other logistics variables that this place of work imposes on me. [shrugs] Of course, being content shouldn't be an obstacle towards growth; so the moment a viable option presents itself, I'll assess and decide accordingly. [smirks in amusement] That's the fun thing in having a memory palace and being an INTJ; the world is an open playground, limited only by resources and imagination.

[smirks] Let's see how things turn out. I'm getting better at my job. I'm getting the equipment that I need for a better quality of life which will let me study my Physical Therapy stuff in comfort. I'm moving forward. ^_^

Standard warnings and statements apply to allies, neutrals and enemies.

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