

I've been at my job for five hours straight and I know that's somehow illegal but since I'm in the customer service biz, the fact that there are patrons to serve means that I'll keep on earning pecuniary resources (if Murphy's Law doesn't strike hard and all). Being dependent on a job has, like everything else, its benefits and risks but I'd rather be getting passive income [shrugs]. Well [shrugs in resignation], those are the breaks until I've those assets online.

Pay is here and with it comes expenses to be paid. I'll be getting another jacket, folding stool, mosquito screens and a storage device for my MP3s. There's the rent, the daily expenditures and peripherals that have to be dealt with but that comes with depending on just your own self for physical sustenance. For emotional nutrition, the right type of friends are necessary. Fulfillment comes from being able to act in your chosen profession, a reality that will come soon since my calculations show I'll be able to go back to my volunteer gig in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department that I'm associated with this week. Of course, there're the people who're against my existence that I've to contend with, who may get in the way of my plans and all, but that's already a given. It's almost always a question of just how much they'll interfere; it's not a question of IF, but a question of WHEN. INTJ that I am, I try to predict the WHEN to minimize the damage they'll inflict.

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