Working for AT&T, Infirmity, Iron Will and Niten

Overall, working for AT&T is rewarding for the following reasons: a. The pay is great. b. I get to meet interesting people. c. I get to meet hominids who test my patience, temper and general good-nature, thus giving me the necessary stimuli for personal growth. d. I learn something new almost everyday. Of course, work being what it is, there are times that the boredom makes me want to sleep. There is also the standard friction with people who're supposed to know how to manage people who only end up mismanaging me [smirks in irritation], but I'm learning how to deal with those imbeciles. No, I won't name them here or anywhere to avoid libel suits and trouble. Suffice to say that said entities exist and are tolerated because I can't neutralize them. The fact that I have superiors who know how to properly handle me makes work bearable and almost always enjoyable.
 Yes, working for AT&T requires extensive use of my Central Nervous System, both upper extremities and my upper respiratory tract (particularly my pharnyx/throat). My brain (which houses my mind) is up to the tasks of troubleshooting and it's being upgraded regularly with new information and subroutines (i.e. semi-automated thought processes to speed up the analysis of mundane problems). The components of my upper extremities are relatively up to the task, though my left upper extremity could use an upgrade in its dexterity [shrugs]. Goes to show that I've good need for further exercise of my left hand and forearm muscles. What thoroughly galls me is the relative weakness of my throat. It gives out after two days of use in the service of the paycheque that I earn from AT&T. Sure, I'm used to speaking and all that and this really shouldn't be a hindrance in performing my responsibilities at work. However, undue strain to my speech organs will ultimately degrade my speech capabilities. I'm going to find a way to improve the endurance of my speech organs. My livelihood depends on it.
Hokay, I'm encountering obstacles to my goals and some are caused by pecuniary limitations while some are brought by physical infirmity. There really isn't much to do for or against those obstacles except to climb over, circle around or (whenever possible) simply obliterate it. As of the moment, obliteration isn't feasible and ignoring the obstacles caused by my body will only cause more problems in the long run. I've chosen this path because this open up doors that I want open. This path burns the bridges connected to the House I was raised in. This path is the one -I- chose, not the path chosen for me. The fact that I chose this course of action makes it singular. Here and now, my actions alone determine what will or will not happen, [tilts head to the right in contemplation] for the most part anyway. There are the independent and dependent variables that are out of my purview but that's part of the game [smirks in amusement]. I've always been stubborn and I've displayed this trait in positive and negative ways. I'll bring my stubbornness front and center whenever these obstacles pop up so I won't fail because of inaction. I bring out Freedom and Destiny and wield them without mercy. The Samurai won't hold back and I'll be pushing the construction of its parts and components whenever possible. I'll forgo some of my needs until I've the needed resources, physical and monetary. Til then, those activities will have to be reduced or set aside for later dates.

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