
 During my elementary (grade school), I had a female best friend that I'll hide behind the name "Breezy". She led me and her other friends to lots of fun adventures [smirks in amusement], which included a fair amount of trouble (that thankfully weren't made known to our parents).

 Breezy smiled a lot and she shared a lot of my hobbies such as reading and watching cartoon TV shows as we approached our teens. She gave me a book when we graduated on the 6th grade since we were going to different High Schools. Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe wasn't a first in the genré since I was given an abbreviated portion of part of Le Morte d'Arthur when I reached the 3rd grade. However, Ivanhoe opened a lot of doors as it had a lot of "thee" and "thou" while introducing new concepts that I was only able to appreciate years after.

 Breezy and I kept in touch during the first two years of high school. I'd ride my bike to her house, we'd exchange stories and be ourselves. She gave me another book, Robert McKinney's Homecoming (4th in the novel adaptation of the Macross saga). Of course, since she attended a Science High School, the academic pressures prevented further interaction until we met again while we prepared for the College Entrance Exams.

 I was happy to see a familiar and friendly face in those preparatory classes. We made a mutual friend (who sadly didn't make it into the University of the Philippines like we did), re-affirmed bonds and learned. [tilts head to the right] Well, I learned more than she did since most of the topics covered in the classes have already been discussed during her classroom hours.

 Upon getting admitted to the University of the Phillipines-Manila (hers was direct while mine was more circuitous), we managed to keep in touch. Sure, her course was taxing as it was the accelerated Medical Course (designed to turn you into a doctor within seven years, provided you don't go mad or depressed along the way) but she managed. I, however, had to leave the University as my skills weren't up to the task.

 A year passed in the school that I transferred to. I was walking home with my first girlfriend when I met her on Padre Faura. I introduced my girl to her then I was surprised that she rebuffed me, saying that it's all fine and dandy but I forgot that the day was also her birthday.

 At least a decade has passed since that event. True, the sting has passed. I still am confused that she was annoyed that I didn't remember her birthday when she didn't bother to greet me on any of mine before that occasion. I mean, you forgot mine so shouldn't it be fine that I forgot yours when both of us meant no malice [tilts head to the right]?

 Anyhow, ever since the social networking websites have taken root (which would be after that incident), I've taken to hiding my birthday. When Friendster was in vogue, I would move my birthday a month behind whenever it approached. Now that Facebook is the rage, it took some time but I eventually found a way to hide my birthday.

 Just recently, only my blood family and some of my adopted sisters were able to greet me. It was satisfying [smiles like a well-fed cat].

 So, yeah, if Breezy crosses my path again, what would I do? On the spot (while I'm writing this), I've decided to greet her with a genuine heartfelt smile. She was my best friend then. Should she want to leave things in the ditch, my hands would be clean.

1 comment:

Jinademaru said...

I remember you introduced that intarmed person. Though I hardly remember her face at all... >_< Poor memory. But then maybe i just didnt really commit her to memory. Or I'm making up this person you introduced lolz