Peeelings, nothing more than peeelings...


Good ending and The world God only knows have stories that strike a cord in me. Good ending talks to me because ... I'm generally nice to people, just like the main

epfgoihs'dfjjfgv [indecipherable gibberish]

 I yearn for the emotions that I've felt before, emotions that are brought back whenever I read GE - Good Ending. There's that innocent desire to be with the one you love. There's the naive confusion you go through whenever your lover does something that doesn't make sense. There's the racing heartbeat you get whenever your eyes meet. There's the calm contentment just by being in each other's company.

 The times that I were able to feel those things were few and far in between. [tilts head to the right] Unless I am selectively remembering things, which does not bode well.

 Anyhow, the times that I do remember feeling those things made the bad and worse parts worthwhile. ... [blinks in recollection] Wait a minute, the only times I felt those were when I was still relatively naive. [tilts head to the left] Does that mean the loss of relative innocence reduces the shine and beauty of romance?

 At any rate, I do want to feel those emotions again. The vibrant all-consuming feelings from a romantic relationship, chaotic they may be, are beautiful. As Nora Roberts said through Eve Dallas, "Love lets you see more."

 [tilts head to the left] Of course, I first need to identify a viable partner. The existing situation is hardly conducive for such [sighs], but that's that.

 On a related note, it's a tad sad that Seiji has decided to give up on Yuki. His innocence and accepting nature seemed like the perfect balm for Yuki's wounds. [shrugs] Tis too bad Yuki's too hung up on her past. Fortunately, Shou still has feelings for Seiji. No, I don't think Oonuma-san would be a good match. She's too needy. Unless she grows out of it, she'd be a bad match for everybody.

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